Unity Asset Viewer

This project is a Unity game on windows desktop that allows a gamer to view the assets in their wallet. It views Text, Audio, Image, and Static 3D assets.


  • Unity Installed Version: 2020.3


  1. Clone or fork the asset viewer project repo:

    git clone https://github.com/Rawrshak/Unity-Asset-Viewer-Project.git

  2. Open Unity Hub

  3. Add Unity-Asset-Viewer-Project to Unity Hub

  4. Open Unity-Asset-Viewer-Project

  5. In the Projects tab, open the Assets\Scene folder and load (double-click) SampleScene

This project is only a demo project. This is not a production quality game and will probably have bugs. Please use at your own risk.


  • Deploy project on WebGL, Android, and/or iOS

  • Create a Windows Desktop executable

Last updated