Royalty Manager
payableRoyalties(_asset, _total)
transferRoyalty(_sender, _token, _receiver, _royaltyFee)
transferRoyalty(_orderId, _receiver, _royaltyFee)
transferPlatformFee(_sender, _token, _total)
transferPlatformFee(_token, _orderId, _total)
Returns the token contract addresses and corresponding amounts available to claim by _user
visibility: external
state mutability: view
Returns the royalty fees and the total remaining token payment after the exchange and royalty fees have been deducted.
visibility: external
state mutability: view
Withdraws any claimable tokens to _user, and updates the records to reflect that there are no more tokens remaining to claim.
Emits a ClaimedRoyalties
visibility: external
state mutability:
Transfers creator royalties from _sender
to escrow.
visibility: external
state mutability:
Transfers creator royalties deducted from escrowed buy orders to escrow.
The amount of tokens escrowed must be greater than or equal to
visibility: external
state mutability:
Transfers platform fees from _sender
to stakers, if any.
visibility: external
state mutability:
Transfers platform fees deducted from escrowed buy orders to stakers, if any.
visibility: external
state mutability:
Last updated