Last updated 3 years ago
The Content Subgraph contains indexed information about content contracts, the assets, and users.
type Content @entity { id: ID! factory: ContentFactory! manager: ContentManager! contractAddress: Bytes! contractUri: String! assets: [Asset!]! assetsCount: BigInt! royaltyReceiver: Account! royaltyRate: Int! minters: [Minter!] mintersCount: Int! name: String game: String creator: String creatorAddress: String owner: Account! tags: [Tag!]! tagsCount: Int! }
type Asset @entity{ id: ID! tokenId: BigInt! parentContract: Content! currentSupply: BigInt! maxSupply: BigInt! balances: [AssetBalance!] ownersCount: BigInt! royaltyReceiver: Account royaltyRate: Int! latestHiddenUriVersion: BigInt! latestPublicUriVersion: BigInt! latestPublicUri: String transactions: [Transaction!]! transactionsCount: BigInt! mintCount: BigInt! burnCount: BigInt! name: String type: String subtype: String tags: [Tag!]! tagsCount: Int! imageUri: String }
type AssetBalance @entity { id: ID! asset: Asset! owner: Account! amount: BigInt! parentContract: Content! type: String subtype: String }
type Tag @entity { id: ID! contents: [Content!] assets: [Asset!] }
type Account @entity { id: ID! address: Bytes! assetBalances: [AssetBalance!]! transactions: [Transaction!]! transactionsCount: BigInt! transactionsAsOperator: [Transaction!]! transactionsAsOperatorCount: BigInt! mintCount: BigInt! burnCount: BigInt! uniqueAssetCount: BigInt! approvals: [Approval!] minters: [Minter!] contentManagers: [ContentManager!] contents: [Content!] }
type Transaction @entity { id: ID! operator: Account! user: Account! transactionType: TransactionType! assets: [Asset!]! assetAmounts: [TransactionAssetAmount!]! blockNumber: BigInt! timestamp: BigInt! gasUsed: BigInt! gasPrice: BigInt! }
type TransactionAssetAmount @entity { id: ID! asset: Asset! amount: BigInt! }
type Approval @entity { id: ID! content: Content! operator: Account! user: Account! }
type Minter @entity { id: ID! content: Content! operator: Account! }
enum TransactionType { Mint Burn }