Funding Testnet Wallet
In order to transact on Ethereum and its testnets, a wallet must hold some ETH. In order to get some testnet ETH (and testnet DAI) on the Optimism Kovan Network, we created this tutorial. We will use Paradigm's MultiFaucet in order to load our wallet with testnet ETH and DAI. Paradigm's faucet is great because it sends assets to your wallet on several test networks including Optimism Kovan.
1. Go to the Paradigm MultiFaucet
Paradigm MultiFaucet:
2. Sign in with Twitter for Human Verification
Once signed in, you'll be able to enter a valid address.
3. Copy your public address from the Metamask Wallet created earlier
4. Click "Claim" to receive tokens
5. Verify Tokens Claim
Switch to Optimism Kovan by clicking the top right dropdown. If you can't find "Optimism Kovan", please check out the Adding Optimism Kovan Network tutorial.
6. [Optional] Add DAI to the wallet
Go back to the website and scroll down to the Optimistic Kovan section and click "Add to Metamask" next to the DAI contract address.
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