

Mint(operator, data)

Burn(operator, data)

Mint(address operator, LibAsset.MintData data)

Event emitted when the mintBatch function is called by operator.

Burn(address operator, LibAsset.BurnData data)

Event emitted when the burnBatch function is called by operator.






uri(_tokenId, _version)





royaltyInfo(_tokenId, _salePrice)

mintBatch(LibAsset.MintData _data)

Mints a batch of assets.

_data MintData structure object. See LibAsset.sol.

Emits a Mint event.


  • The caller must be verified.

  • The specified token Id in _data must exist.

  • The maximum supply of each token will not be surpassed through this minting.

visibility: external

state mutability:

burnBatch(LibAsset.BurnData _data)

Burns a batch of assets.

_data BurnData structure object. See LibAsset.sol.

Emits a Burn event.


  • The caller must be the owner of the tokens or approved by approved by the owner.

  • The tokens must exist.

visibility: external

state mutability:

contractUri() -> string

Returns the contract uri.

Passes through ContentStorage.sol.

visibility: external

state mutability: view

uri(uint256 _tokenId) -> string

Returns the latest public uri of token type _tokenId.

visbility: external

state mutability: view

uri(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _version) -> string

Returns the particular public uri of token type _tokenId specified by _version.

Passes through ContentStorage.sol.

visibility: external

state mutability: view

totalSupply(uint256 _tokenId) -> uint256

Returns the total amount of token type _tokenId currently in circulation.

visibility: external

state mutability: view

maxSupply(uint _tokenId) -> uint256

Returns the maximum amount of token type _tokenId allowed to be in circulation.

visibility: external

state mutability: view

contractRoyalty() -> address, uint24

Returns the default royalty receiver address and rate for the contract's assets.

Passes through ContentStorage.sol.

visibility: external

state mutability: view

userMintNonce(address _user) -> uint256

Returns the nonce of _user for this contract.

visibility: external

state mutability: view

royaltyInfo(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _salePrice) -> address, uint256

Returns the receiver address and calculated royalty amount for token type _tokenId sold for _salePrice.

visibility: external

state mutability: view

Last updated