Last updated 3 years ago
The Exchange Subgraph contains indexed information about exchange, exchange volumes, asset volumes, the orders, developer royalties, etc.
type Exchange @entity { id: ID! orders: [Order!]! numOfOrders: BigInt! numOfBuyOrders: BigInt! numOfSellOrders: BigInt! }
type TokenEscrow @entity { id: ID! supportedTokens: [Token!] }
type Token @entity { id: ID! address: Bytes! escrow: TokenEscrow! totalVolume: BigInt! dailyData: [TokenDayData!] }
type Account @entity { id: ID! address: Bytes! orders: [Order!]! numOfOpenBuyOrders: BigInt! numOfOpenSellOrders: BigInt! numOfFilledOrders: BigInt! numOfCancelledOrders: BigInt! volume: BigInt! volumeAsBuyer: BigInt! volumeAsSeller: BigInt! dailyData: [AccountDayData!] claimedRoyalties: [UserRoyalty!] }
type UserRoyalty @entity { id: ID! user: Account! token: Token! claimedAmount: BigInt! }
type Order @entity { id: ID! exchange: Exchange! asset: Asset! owner: Account! type: OrderType! price: BigInt! amountOrdered: BigInt! amountFilled: BigInt! status: OrderStatus! createdAtTimestamp: BigInt! filledAtTimestamp: BigInt! cancelledAtTimestamp: BigInt! lastClaimedAtTimestamp: BigInt! orderFills: [OrderFill!] }
type OrderFill @entity { id: ID! filler: Account! order: Order! amount: BigInt! pricePerItem: BigInt! totalPrice: BigInt! token: Token! }
type Asset @entity { id: ID! tokenId: BigInt! parentContract: Bytes! orders: [Order!] @derivedFrom(field: "asset") assetVolumeTransacted: BigInt! }
type TokenDayData @entity { id: ID! token: Token! volume: BigInt! startTimestamp: Int! }
type AccountDayData @entity { id: ID! account: Account! token: Token! volume: BigInt! volumeAsBuyer: BigInt! volumeAsSeller: BigInt! startTimestamp: Int! }
enum OrderType { Buy Sell }
enum OrderStatus { Ready PartiallyFilled Filled Cancelled Claimed }