
Important: These papers are still in development and are non-binding. They may change over time and it is up to the development team how it changes before release.

Rawrshak Litepaper

The Rawrshak litepaper discusses the overall vision for the Rawrshak platform. It goes into detail about why Rawrshak was created, who it's for, and how the project is being implemented. It gives insights on the roadmap for Rawrshak.

It also discusses future projects in the pipeline for the platform that increases the value of the ecosystem.

Here's a link to the Rawrshak litepaper for more details.

RAWR tokenomics

The RAWR token is the governance and utility token that will be used in the ecosystem. The RAWR token will have several uses in the ecosystem including the following:

  • Governance voting

  • Marketplace fee revenue share

  • Gamer community event rewards

  • Game developer partnerships

  • Content security

  • Other future Rawrshak project use-cases

Here's a link to the RAWR tokenomics litepaper for more details.

Rawrshak Governance

The Rawrshak platform will be governed by the community. At full decentralization, the Rawrshak development team will only be participating developers in the ecosystem.

Holding the RAWR token bestows upon a user the responsibilities of governing the platform. It will also grant the holder the benefit of receiving Rawrshak rewards in the form of NFTs and token emissions.

Here's a link to the Rawrshak Governance litepaper for more details.

Here's a link to the Governance research materials for more details.

Last updated